Application procedure

Application procedure

All interested participants should fill in and submit till 14th January 2011:

  1. application form available
  2. abstract of the paper ( no more than 500 words

Participation fee:

80 PLN for the citizens of the EU, the USA, Canada, Switzerland, Norway and Island, 50  PLN for Polish citizens, no fee for the citizens of other states. Participation fee does not include accommodation. 

Below you can find information concerning payment of participation fee. 

Name of recipient: Jagiellonian University, Department of Philosophy

Bank transfer:  Bank PKO SA

Account number: 83 1240 4722 1111 0000 4857 9179

Address: str. Golebia 24, 31-007 Cracow

Title of transfer: Transf Name Surname

In case you need invoice of the transfer, please specify the recipient institution. As soon as the transfer is done, please send the confirmation to coordinators. Confirmations must be sent till the 16th of February the latest.

 If you have any doubts and questions, don't hesitate to contact with coordinators. 


Registration form

Call for papers